Thursday 25 November 2010

Synopsis Four

Two 15 year old girls in school uniform, Steph and Rachel, are casually sitting on a wall. Rachel is blissfully reading a magazine while Steph fidgets nervously. She’s fixating on Rachel, who remains oblivious and continues to read her magazine. Steph shifts slightly towards Rachel as if she’s about to say something, however, she sighs and remains quiet. Eventually, Rachel asks Steph to try to go and buy a packet of cigarettes. She reluctantly agrees, crosses the road, and walks towards the shop.

While Rachel is left sitting on the wall alone, she notices a car pull up near her. She thinks nothing of it and picks up her can of drink to take a sip. However, she becomes suspicious and is hesitant of what to do because she can’t see inside properly. She glances towards the shop where Steph is.

Inside the shop, Steph edges around and looks at the magazines. She discreetly turns her attention to behind the counter, where the cigarettes are, before reverting back to the magazines. The shop keeper stares at Steph suspiciously. Their eyes then meet awkwardly before Steph swiftly looks away.

A man steps out of the car and walks over to Rachel. He pulls out a badge, tells her he’s a police officer and asks why she’s not in school. Rachel swiftly states she woke up late and is on her way. The police officer is sceptical and asks why there are two cans of drink on the wall. Rachel shrugs and looks down awkwardly. He then tells her he’s looking for a girl around the same age who must be playing truant because her absence from school is rare. Rachel has now realised he’s talking about Steph. She worriedly gazes at the shop again. From inside the shop, Steph is staring out of the window, witnessing what’s going on.

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